No more chase ®
Structural integrity, superior finish,
zero hidden defects

Problems with chasing are significant
Vertical and Horizontal wall chasing has been the preferred way for the installation of all electrical and plumbing pipes in the past.
The following areas were identified where chasing is a risk for your business:
- Chasing depth is not controlled and is regularly deeper than a single course
- Chasing of cavity walls should be illegal.
- Horizontal chasing causes serious structural integrity
- Chasing in cement blocks is hazardous but occurs frequently
- Chasing is a health risk for everyone on site and produces extensive waste
- Latent defects caused by chasing are simply hidden behind thick layers of plaster and cause future comebacks
Latest products
Contru Solutions is proud to introduce the patented No More Chase ® (NMC) to the market for the first time.
This product will revolutionise the way we build in the near future.